Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fun Family Summer

The first section is the MS Ride the Plains Bike Ride.  Wayne rode 150 miles in 2 days. Travis, Lisa, Aubrey and Debbie hosted a rest stop on the first day.  The last two pics are the start of the second day (leaving from Madison, SD) and Wayne coming to the finish line in Sioux Falls!!

These next ones are from Allison and Nick's wedding.  
Rehearsal with Pr Wayne, Father Mike, and the awesome wedding coordinator!  
Wedding Day.  Bubble Girl... and bubble boy?

Jensen family gathering in Sioux Falls.  Food, fun, cousins, and great grandkids!

Loads of fun with our kids for TWO WEEKS!!

Wayne canning with his new pressure cooker.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Grandma and Grandpa Jensen were visiting!  (oops, that was in May)

 Trinity Men's Fishing Trip

 A nice one!  

The kids were doing an art project with bird seed.


 Aubrey's corn in the half-barrel.  On the deck are my herbs.

Thursday, May 16, 2013



 Grandma Jensen playing a little 'keep away' with Aubrey... or are they doing a ribbon dance together?  
Either way Grandma was moving pretty good!
 Baltimore Oriole.  We see them pretty regularly now.  They like oranges, nectar, and grape jelly.
 Making space for new raised beds.  Moving rock.....ugh.
 Helping Grandpa.


 Herb garden. 
 Grandpa made flower boxes for Aubrey's playhouse and today she planted flowers!
 New planter.
 Done!  And hopefully rabbit proof!!

The best spot in the backyard!