Saturday, June 27, 2009


We enjoyed this amazing display the other evening.

Walleye Hunting

A favorite past time for Wayne... scaring the fish out of the lake. This past Friday he spent the afternoon with his friend Ron on a nearby lake. When I asked how they did... "we had good sandwiches and cold beer" The walleye are safe for now.

Friday, June 26, 2009

New Job

On June 17 I (Debbie) started orientation for my new job at the hospital. I've worked for 4 full days along side my co-worker Jean. Because each day brings something new, we decided the best way for me to learn was to just be there and do the work. The job title is Hospice Pastoral Care Coordinator and Jean and I will be job sharing the 40 hour a week position. We care for patients who are at the end of life and their families (along with a whole team--including nurses, aides, doctors, and social workers). So far I think this is something I was meant to do. There is still much to learn but if feels so right.

HOWEVER..... the job is not official until the hospital board approves changing the position from its current part time status to a full time position. The proposal will be presented in a few weeks and hopefully by this time next month we will know for sure. My boss seems very confident about it and probably wouldn't have let me start orientation if she wasn't pretty sure that it will be supported. So I guess I shouldn't worry.... ha

Friday, June 19, 2009


Here is one of the vegetable garden beds. This one has several tomato plants, peppers, and chives.

This bed has green and yellow beans and more peppers.

And here are some of my flowers. Columbine (white and pink) and Yarrow (yellow).

Inside the prize African violet. Grandma Elsing would be proud!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So here's a new addition to our yard. This is one of the three trees we planted this spring. By "we" I mean Wayne. He did a lot of digging and planting this year. Here in the front yard we added a flowering crab tree. It had lovely pink blossoms and has tolerated the wind very well.

This is our new evergreen in the back yard. His name is Fat Albert and he is a blue spruce.

This is our apple tree with my flower garden in the background (also in the backyard). These photos were taken almost a month ago so there has been some new growth. Next entry.....The Gardens.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Birth of our Blog

Here we are...stepping into blogville. This should be a good way for us to share photos. We'll attempt to keep you up to date with our lives and adventures and hope you'll do the same.