Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week in Review

The morning glory is going to consume the mailbox soon! (refer to the post on August 29)

I had a crazy good week at work. I really love my job.

Weather has been awesome. Made marinara sauce with tomatoes from the garden.

Today we went to a 125th anniversary celebration at Savo Lutheran Church near Frederick. Wayne served there as a lay minister in 2001-2002 or so.

Stopped to see Grandma Irene on the way back to Watertown and she continues to do fairly well.

Then we had lunch at Thattza Pizza. nanny nanny boo boo.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Our Guest from Japan

We recently hosted a gentlemen from Japan who was in town with a Rotary Exchange Group. Ryukai Seto was one of five in the group who arrived on Sept. 2 and stayed until Sept. 5. Ryukai is a Buddhist priest and teaches young priests to chant. He is very active in the Rotary Exchange program and had traveled extensively. However, his English was not so good. We did manage some decent conversations, and Wayne escorted him to many of the activities. Wayne arranged a visit to Blue Cloud Abbey here in NE South Dakota where one of the monks gave them a tour of the chapel and the Native American museum. It was a good cultural experience for us and I hope for the group from Japan.