Tuesday, December 28, 2010

House for Sale

As most of you know, we are waiting for the next step in our pending move. One week from tonight, on January 4, the congregation of Trinity Lutheran Church will have a meeting. At this meeting they will have the opportunity to meet Wayne (and me) and ask questions if they wish. Immediately following the "meet and greet" and the dismissal of Wayne and me, the congregation will vote on whether to extend a call to Wayne... asking him to come and serve the church as their associate pastor. We feel pretty confident that the congregation will extend a call, but of course we need to hear the final word.

Meanwhile, in anticipation of the pending move, we have our house for sale. We have to keep things nice and tidy to be prepared for house hunters! And we continue to be busy with work and activities.

We appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we are in this time of discernment and expectation.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Snapshots

Here are a few pics of our fun Christmas Day in Aberdeen. Unfortunately I didn't catch everyone with the camera... but here are a few. Needless to say it was great to see everyone and enjoy some great food and lots of fun.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Another special performance at the Goss

We enjoyed great company and superb entertainment at the Goss Opera House last night. Doyle Dykes was here to share his music. Here's just a tidbit......

Its nice that the bunnies can enjoy the remnant of my flower bed. I appreciate that they didn't bother it in the spring and summer, so now I hope they are finding some good things to eat!

Coming soon....... an update on our lives. Looking forward to seeing many of you on Christmas!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

a night at the opera

For our followers who aren't on Facebook... here is a picture of Kristy in Pacific Opera Victoria Company's recent production of Rodelinda by Handel. Don't you wish we could see/hear her perform!?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Oh so thankful.....

The weather gave us some anxious moments, but in the end we had a beautiful Thanksgiving feast with 11 of us gathered at the table. We're giving thanks for safe travels, abundant food and shelter, and the love of our family. Thanks be to God.

Grandma and Grandpa Jensen with 3 of their 4 great grandkids:
Mason, Wesley, and Aubrey.

Mason - 3 months old

Wesley and Aubrey -- cousins at play.

Before the feast.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Overnight with Aubrey!

I had a very nice time spending the day and night in Sioux Falls this past weekend. Aubrey and I played, danced, colored, made cupcakes with sprinkles, and generally had a super time. And it was a nice visit with Travis and Lisa, too! Thanks guys! Poor Grandpa had to work in Watertown this weekend.

Hat and mittens were made by a dear friend for Aubrey. She loved them!!
Coloring a picture for "Grandpa in Watertown"
Shhh! I'm busy.
Putting sprinkles on the cupcakes.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Treats of the Evening!

Just a few of the cute trick or treaters that stopped at our door!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fabulous Fall

We are enjoying the extended fall.
Lots of beautiful colors and a few surprise late blooms.
Here's our clematis that had been "finished" for several weeks!!

This little snapdragon found its way out of one of the pots (last summer) and put down roots in the rocks. It came to life this spring
and has bloomed most of the summer
....and now a fresh supply of late flowers!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Latest

Sure was nice to have visitors over the weekend!!

Yummy....having a little whipped cream!

Walking to the park with Grandpa.

Playing at the park.

She likes the new bed!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Some assembly is required.....

Here is my Sunday afternoon project...


This is our new guest bed. If you are over 15 months old -- but 50 pounds or less -- you can snuggle up for the night. I can't take credit for the quilt; I bought it at a quilt auction with just this purpose in mind!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Almost Two!

Aubrey's birthday is on Wednesday and she'll be TWO. Wow. So we took a trip down there on Saturday to give her a couple of gifts and get a few hugs. Very nice!!

We gave her a back pack for her birthday.

I also made her a tote bag.
Here she is with back pack, tote bag, and crazy hair!!

She entertained us. (of course)

And it sounds like she was still enjoying the back pack and tote bag at bedtime!
(Thanks for the picture Travis!)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Fun

We took a little day trip to Sioux Falls and enjoyed the zoo with Aubrey, Travis and Lisa.

Grandpa tolerates most anything when it comes to Aubrey.
Even if it means covering up with her new quilt! :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Here it is......

Good Friends Merlot.
Bottled on August 6, 2010.
In the rack and ready for peak consumption December 2010.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's House

Here are a few pictures of Aubrey's weekend with us.
It sure was fun and we can't wait to do it again!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


We are back at work and our routine. It was a wonderful vacation - saw some great friends, enjoyed some superb meals, took in the sights and museums of Chicago, and ended it all with a delightful weekend with Aubrey. We'll have a separate post for Aubrey! Here's just a FEW highlights of Chicago....

Wrigley Building. Tribune Building on the right.

Trump Tower on left. Wrigley Building on right.

Elevated train. Trump tower in center.


Reflected on Cloud Gate. aka the bean

Jay Pritzker Pavilion at Millenium Park. We listened to the Grant Park Orchestra rehearse here.

Wayne and Sue. At the Field Museum.

Chicago Style Pizza. mmmmmm.

John Hancock Building and others.