Monday, January 25, 2010

Another week gone by

Is it spring yet?

We're thankful to be safe and warm here in Watertown. Sorry that some in SD are without power yet. Wayne was supposed to drive to St Paul today for a week long class at Luther Seminary. That didn't happen...and now he's trying to figure out if he can get his money back or should he try to get there tomorrow. We'll see.

This past week we kept busy with work. I had more hours on call at the hospital, but thankfully no dramatic events. The weather seems to be our biggest stress lately.

We watched the Vikings/Saints game with friends .... Condolences to all you purple promoters! We also participated in an informational meeting with leaders who want to work for a Hunger Free Codington County. So that is exciting to be thinking about. Keep Warm and Safe!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Week

Thank goodness for the nice weather. I was able to make a trip to Huron today to help celebrate Wesley's 1st birthday. Sure was nice to see the Arnott gang and Mom and Dad.

Wayne wasn't able to come as he had church commitments. Its been a full week for him -- in addition to the usual work week there was church council meeting, two funerals, and preaching today and tomorrow. On Monday he will give a presentation on his trip to Africa for the 60+ group at our church. I have been and will continue to be busy at work, too, covering for folks on sick leave and vacation.

Here's a couple of pictures of the birthday boy. (and an old guy)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I couldn't resist sharing a few photos I took in Sioux Falls last week.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year!

We enjoyed a belated Christmas celebration with Travis, Lisa and Aubrey on New Year's Day. Grandpa read books and played with Aubrey in her kitchen. Then I stayed in Sioux Falls to provide Granny Nanny services for the following week. Lisa is healing very well and started orientation for her new job, Travis got back to work (after much time off in December), and Aubrey and Grandma hung out and played.

The weather continues to challenge us but so far we are winning!