Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy President's Day

Well another wintery week. More snow, more wind, and more canceled travel plans. Ah well.

We did enjoy some gatherings with friends in town the past couple of weeks.... the police department awards banquet, super bowl party with friends, a family night at church where Wayne shared his Cameroon presentation again, and last night a yummy Valentine's dinner at Minerva's. We're looking forward to hearing the SD Chamber Orchestra this week at the Goss Opera House.

We'll be thinking of and praying for Kristy as she auditions at U of Toronto on Thursday. Go girl!

Until then, we're counting down the days until the crab apple tree blossoms!!

That was then....

This is now!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday again.

Its Monday and its snowing again. sigh. It doesn't seem like it will be much of a problem however and Wayne is on his way to a retreat near Irene, SD (just south of SF) He'll spend today through noon Wednesday at the Broom Tree Retreat Center with other pastors who are serving their first call. He's looking forward to the fellowship and "down time." When his continuing ed class didn't happen last week, he jumped back into his work week and was busy until Sunday afternoon.

We enjoyed a time of R & R with Aubrey, Lisa and Travis on Saturday. We drove down for the day and had fun watching Aubrey walk (and run) all over the house. She loves carrying a purse or bag and wearing a scarf. We'll have to start collecting stuff for dress-up play. Lisa is liking her job (even the overnights!) and we are happy that things are going well for them. Did you know that Lisa will be 30 on February 4?

Exciting news from Victoria... Kristy has an audition for grad school at University of Toronto on February 18!! So we'll be rooting for her. Eric has been invited to play with another band in the Victoria area and says he'll be playing several instruments. Looking forward to hearing that.

Now its back to work and another week. Hope you are well and warm!!