Monday, July 26, 2010

Busy Week

Wayne spent the week in Chicago with 18 young people and 3 other adults from our church. He got home on Saturday just in time to hop in the car and head to Matt and Heather's wedding. What a beautiful ceremony for such a special couple!! Here's a few pics.
#1 Millenium Park in Chicago
#2 the wedding party (Wes was Matthew's best man!)
#3 Jenny and Stephanie sang a beautiful duet (they are behind the piano!)
#4 Mr and Mrs Palmer hop into the hot rod
#5 Mom and the kids
#6 Trespassers at the head table.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

More Summer

Thursday, July 15 in Sioux Falls. Watching Drum Corps perform at Howard Wood Field. The Troopers from Casper, WY were one of the corps and it was so fun to remember Eric marching with them for two summers. It was a bonus to stay overnight with the little Gallipo family and play with Aubrey for a bit. :)

In the past couple of weeks we've also enjoyed a great guitar concert at the Goss (check out Andy McKee on youtube) and a good performance by Prairie Repertory Theatre in Brookings. There have been some great evenings for sitting out on the deck or out by the lake.

We just celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary. Unfortunately we were in different states at the time (not the first time that has happened!!). Wayne is with a group of youth from our church as they travel to Chicago for a mission trip. Should be a great experience.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Summer is here. Hot, humid, windy. Its good to be in South Dakota!!

It was pretty quiet around here after Travis, Lisa, Aubrey, Kristy and Eric all left on June 17. But one week later we were happy to have Ron and Kathy Jensen come for a short visit. They spent a couple of days with us on their way to Montana. We enjoyed some good meals and great conversation. While they were here we started making a batch of wine. A local merchant sells kits for wine and beer making and allows the batch to ferment in his wine cellar. So we have a nice batch of merlot in process and are looking forward to uncorking that this winter.

We have both been busy this past week with work situations helping people through crisis. We've had a couple of tough days and nights.

But for fun we have enjoyed some good music and fellowship and spent time appreciating our yard and flower gardens. Today I got a bird bath and have been waiting and watching for visitors. None so far. Here's a little color from our yard.