Thursday, August 26, 2010


We are back at work and our routine. It was a wonderful vacation - saw some great friends, enjoyed some superb meals, took in the sights and museums of Chicago, and ended it all with a delightful weekend with Aubrey. We'll have a separate post for Aubrey! Here's just a FEW highlights of Chicago....

Wrigley Building. Tribune Building on the right.

Trump Tower on left. Wrigley Building on right.

Elevated train. Trump tower in center.


Reflected on Cloud Gate. aka the bean

Jay Pritzker Pavilion at Millenium Park. We listened to the Grant Park Orchestra rehearse here.

Wayne and Sue. At the Field Museum.

Chicago Style Pizza. mmmmmm.

John Hancock Building and others.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dog Days

Have you wondered why we call it that.... check it out.

The Dog Days are known as the hottest days of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and usually occur in July and early August. In ancient times, the sultry weather in Rome during these months often made people sick, and they blamed their illnesses on the fact that this was the time of year when Sirius, the Dog Star, rose at about the same time as the sun. Because Sirius was the brightest star, it was thought to add its heat to the sun, producing hot, unhealthy weather. The ancients used to sacrifice a brown dog at the beginning of the Dog Days to appease the rage of Sirius.

So anyway -- we've been busy. BUT now we're counting down to vacation. Wayne starts vacation tomorrow (Wednesday) and I start on Friday. We'll be leaving town Friday morning headed for Minnesota. Two days in Minnesota before we arrive in Chicago where we'll spend 5 days, 4 nights seeing the sights. Yes, I have a guide book for Chicago and yes, I have several things planned for everyday. :)

This past week we had the honor of hosting ELCA medical missionaries from Cameroon in our home. Dr Jim and Carolyn Brown are traveling in the US, vacationing and visiting churches who sponsor their mission work. Wayne met them on his trip last fall and I see now why he admires them so much. They are so dedicated to their work and the Lord.

We enjoyed supper with the Brown's at Charley's.

I had a chance to go down and play with Aubrey one day last week. Here's a funny little video. Gotta love the pigtails.