Tuesday, December 28, 2010

House for Sale

As most of you know, we are waiting for the next step in our pending move. One week from tonight, on January 4, the congregation of Trinity Lutheran Church will have a meeting. At this meeting they will have the opportunity to meet Wayne (and me) and ask questions if they wish. Immediately following the "meet and greet" and the dismissal of Wayne and me, the congregation will vote on whether to extend a call to Wayne... asking him to come and serve the church as their associate pastor. We feel pretty confident that the congregation will extend a call, but of course we need to hear the final word.

Meanwhile, in anticipation of the pending move, we have our house for sale. We have to keep things nice and tidy to be prepared for house hunters! And we continue to be busy with work and activities.

We appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we are in this time of discernment and expectation.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Snapshots

Here are a few pics of our fun Christmas Day in Aberdeen. Unfortunately I didn't catch everyone with the camera... but here are a few. Needless to say it was great to see everyone and enjoy some great food and lots of fun.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Another special performance at the Goss

We enjoyed great company and superb entertainment at the Goss Opera House last night. Doyle Dykes was here to share his music. Here's just a tidbit......

Its nice that the bunnies can enjoy the remnant of my flower bed. I appreciate that they didn't bother it in the spring and summer, so now I hope they are finding some good things to eat!

Coming soon....... an update on our lives. Looking forward to seeing many of you on Christmas!