Sunday, May 22, 2011

After the storm

We had a thunderstorm here last night. Lightning, thunder, pea-size hail, extreme wind, and heavy rain. When it was over.... a full rainbow .... and sun shine in the west.

I couldn't get the whole rainbow in one shot. Here's half at a time.

Looking out our front door to the west.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sunny Day in May

What a beautiful day today! I rode my bike around town to take a few pics for the blog. Here's a little bit of our Tea world.

This is a "before" picture of what will become my garden area in front of our place. By next week we'll have several pots of flowers and a bird bath!

Road construction has closed the primary road into Tea and traffic is detoured to Main Avenue (our street). During morning and evening commute times we have trouble getting out of our driveway!!

This is the B & G Milky Way ice cream joint. Only steps away from our place. Holy Temptation Batman!!

Tea City Park. The park has a lovely pond with two fountains, playgrounds for big kids and little kids and of course the waterpark and pool.