Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Another week, another adventure!

Today Aubrey and I went to the Sertoma Butterfly House & Purdy Marine Cove. We saw hundreds of beautiful butterflies and then looked at lots pretty fish and other sea creatures.

We were given a laminated sheet with pictures of all the varieties of butterflies. So we looked for them and matched them on the sheet.
One of Aubrey's favorite things - matching.

She sees sea shells. :)

"I hear the ocean."

Growing up too fast.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Adventures with Aubrey

What a fun day today! Aubrey and I started the day with our weekly visit to the library. What a book lover! Today we picked out books about the farm, a puppy, spiders, and the wind. Then we drove down to Falls Park and hopped on the trolley for a ride around the loop in downtown Sioux Falls. What a fun (and free) opportunity that Sioux Falls offers!

Back at the park we unpacked our picnic lunch and enjoyed the beautiful weather! Fed a gopher, climbed on rocks, and ran around on the grass!

"Where's that gopher?"

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Finish Line MS 150

Wayne crossed the finish line in Sioux Falls at 1:00 pm. One hour less than his ride to Madison!! He is hot, tired, and sore but so happy that he rode and finished. He's already pre-registered for next year's ride!!

Sorry for the delay in posting... our internet was down all afternoon. :(

Day Two MS150

It's almost 7:00 am and the riders are getting ready to start the return trip from Madison.

Wayne reports that he is fine, legs are are sore, but he expects that will get better once he starts riding. Looks like great weather for the ride today.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

More from the MS150

All along the route there were rest stops with food and drink. The riders were encouraged to stop at them all and "refuel." So at each rest stop Wayne was able to text me with his progress. All along the way he kept saying he was having a good ride and having fun.

Travis, Aubrey and I drove up to Madison to meet him as he arrived at the finish line for the first half. Finally at 1:55 pm we saw him round the corner! He was tired and hot and said the last stretch was hard but he made it!! Volunteers handed him a cold wet towel right away!

Then the riders were treated with more food, massages (if they wish), a hot tub, and lots of cheering and encouragement. This evening there was a banquet and then hopefully they will have a good night's rest and start out tomorrow morning at 7:00 am for the return trip!

MS 150

Well today is finally the day!! Wayne departed the start line at 7:15 am this morning for his 150 mile ride. When we got up it was raining, but by the time we got to the starting area it had quit and we were treated to a rainbow. At the start the temp was 71 degrees, mild winds in a good direction, and the air was full of excitement.

And he's off!!

He has been sending messages from rest stops along the way and sounds great. He says he's having fun and its been a great ride so far. I'll post again this evening and report on the finish up in Madison.