Saturday, November 12, 2011

Catching Up

Women of Faith Conference in St Paul, MN  October 21-22.  Celebrating my mom's birthday together with thousands of other women!  The first day we sat up here to avoid the steps.  Then we sat on the floor for the rest of the event.  Up close!!
 Happy Birthday Mom!  Diet coke ($4.75) and popcorn ...  her favorites!
 Debbie, Darlys, and Hazel Holm in our seats on the floor.
Grandma Sheri with Garrett Lee Palmer.
 Matthew, Heather and Garrett on his Dedication Day.
 Working hard with play dough.
Wayne and I took a weekend away to Minneapolis early in November.  Finally got to see and eat at our friend's bakery and restaurant -- Sun Street Breads.  Awesome!  It was refreshing and restful to visit friends and family, eat some nice meals, and generally wind down for a bit.
Took a walk with LeAnne and Martin and appreciated the lovely weather. 
What a treat for November!

 Aubrey made a picture for LeAnne and Martin. Yup, you are right.  It's a crocodile.