Sunday, December 30, 2012

White Christmas

Upstairs tree.

 Dicken's Village.

 Dicken's Village.

 Dicken's Village.

 Downstairs tree.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Grandma Day - at the Zoo

Today Aubrey and I attended a zooclub class at the Great Plains Zoo.  The kids learned about reindeer, did an art project, listened to a story, and got to walk through the zoo.  

 Yes, it's Rudolph.

 Western Screech Owl.  (full size)

 Hedgehog.  We touched him.

 Reindeer.  Not Rudolph.

 Giraffe.  The newest baby at the zoo, Gerald the giraffe.

 Aubrey playing peek a boo with the meerkats.  


Saturday, November 24, 2012


 Guess who?

 Uncle Wayne with Wesley (3 years old - will be 4 in January)

 Mason - 2 years old

 Grant - 11 years old

 Hayley (16) and Addilyn (5 months)

The Colorado Jensens

Friday, October 19, 2012

Random Fall stuff

Our street. Lovely isn't it.


And not so lovely.... picking up leaves!

Working on a project. She is very good with scissors!
On top of the pile of rocks that Grandpa dug and moved!

 South Dakota state capitol

A rare phone booth (with real phones inside!) next to an AED  :)

Two Pastor Installation Sunday!!
The Bishop presided over the service of installation of Wayne as Lead Pastor 
and Jess as Associate Pastor.   It was a very exciting day!!
L-R  Tom Stadem, Associate in Ministry, Bishop David Zellmer, Pastor Jessica Harris Daum, 
Pastor Wayne, Pastor Ron Beckman (visitation pastor)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wayne's Fishing Trip

Kitchi Island Outpost, Manitoba, Canada

Wayne was invited to go along with 3 other guys from church on a fly-in fishing trip in August.  They drove up to a resort north of Winnipeg on Wednesday, August 22 and then flew in via float plane to the cabin on the lake on Thursday, August 23.  After 7 full days of fishing they flew out and drove home on Wednesday, August 29.  He came home rested and refreshed.

37.5 inch Northern Pike 

 Eagle's nest atop the tree in the center of the photo.

 Fish & Chips