Monday, January 30, 2012

Still alive and well.

I know, I know.  It's about time for some new photos and maybe a little news.  Life has been busy lately. In case you hadn't heard, Wayne's colleague Pastor Greg Johnson, has taken another call and the congregation celebrated his ministry and bid him farewell this past Sunday.  That leaves Wayne with quite a bit more "to do" and with some new responsibilities during the transition.  He has stepped up with great enthusiasm and is getting great support from the wonderful folks in Tea.  

Well, here's a few snapshots of the past few days.  

Here's some fabric I picked up to make myself a little tote bag.  

A fabulous book I picked up in Victoria last summer to read on the plane ride home.  
I read it then and am reading it again.  
Here's where Lance aka Wayne does his bike riding in winter.  
His favorite word about this is .... boring!

Our sweetie having an after-nap snack.  Still a little sleepy.  
All that playing with Grandma wears her out.  :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Over Christmas we were able to see and play with all 4 of our great-nephews.  What fun!!

 Garrett Lee Palmer (with his great grandma Ruth)

 Mason Dean Arnott

 Wesley Eugene Arnott

Riley Dale Jensen (being pretty silly!)