Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Latest

We have great news!!  After living and renting here in Tea for one year, we've found a house that fits our needs.  We decided to expand our search to southwest Sioux Falls as we didn't find exactly what we wanted in Tea.  The first day we were out actively looking, we found "the one."

It's a ranch style home with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths.  We'll have plenty of room for guests and a lovely yard for playing and growing flowers! Its only 6 miles from the church in Tea and about the same for me to get to work.  Our closing date is April 27 and we plan to move in shortly after.

In other news, we will be eliminating our home phone line within the next week.  We will keep our cell phones the same so please make sure you have those numbers.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A glimpse of "Grandma Day"

Okay, so I forgot that I can't turn the camera for video taping.  oops.  
Just tilt your head, cuz its kind of cute.
"Aubrey the Princess"

Reading to Grandma.
"The Bug Story"

Making Pizza.