Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pedal the Plains MS Ride 2012

I didn't get a picture of the start line Saturday am. It was rainy when they left. But here is Wayne crossing the finish line in Sioux Falls at the end of the first day.  79 miles done.  He is wearing a white shirt.

Wayne is a VIP because he was a leader in fundraising last year.  He reached that status again this year after raising over $1500. Here he is resting in the VIP tent at the finish line on the first day.

Here's the starting line on the second day, Sunday. 
Wayne rides by at about 1:07 in the video, wearing a gold shirt.

Riders heading north out of Sioux Falls.

The FINISH LINE!!  150 miles, two days, hills, wind, and determination!  He did it!

More pictures of our family vacation time!