Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas Brunch

This was Christmas Day... the day we had planned on having Christmas brunch with Travis, Lisa and Aubrey. Unfortunately this was day 4 of the "sickness" so we got together to skype with Eric and Kristy and postponed the brunch.  While it was great to see and visit with Eric and Kristy, poor Aubrey didn't even feel up to visiting with us or with Uncle Eric and Aunt Kristy.

By Saturday, December 29, one week after she got sick, Aubrey was finally up for
Christmas brunch and opening presents.  They gave us a family portrait.
A perfect gift and reminder of the fun summer gathering we enjoyed!

Aubrey got pretty excited about the bead project we gave her!

New slippers.

Getting ready for egg bake!

Grandma loves the snuggling. Aubrey is demonstrating a game on her computer (Leap Pad).

We unpacked the boys' Castle Grayskull.
We can't remember how many times we have moved this toy set that we got in the mid 1980s.