Saturday, August 15, 2009

BBQ Feast

Well this evening we hosted the BBQ Feast that was purchased at the Youth Fundraiser Auction at our church. Dan and Sandy, Lee and Jane, and Bruce and Colleen were the lucky winners and Wayne cooked up a literal feast for them. He smoked 4 racks of baby back ribs, 2 whole chickens, and a beef brisket. He started this morning by covering the meat with a dry rub. At about noon he put it in the smoker and kept watch over it all afternoon. He also made baked beans and a homemade bbq sauce. I made potato salad, coleslaw, corn on the cob, and a creamy lemonade frozen pie. We got one picture of all the meat cooking....after that it got too busy for taking pictures. :(

We enjoyed a nice evening of food, wine and conversation. No one left hungry!! Now we will pack our bags, hit the hay, and really get started on vacation in the morning!!! woo hoo!

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