Saturday, December 26, 2009

White Christmas

A glimpse of what these last days have left behind.
We're happy to be safe and warm!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lookin' like Christmas!

We're a little slow but are getting things decorated and ready for Christmas. We splurged and got a fatter (fake) Christmas tree. Got some new ornaments and some ribbon instead of garland. It looks fun and colorful. If you want to come and see, I'll make you hot cider or hot chocolate!
Serious about decorating!
The new look.
Sledding on top of the kitchen cabinets!

Monday, December 7, 2009

He's Home!

Wayne arrived back in SD on Sunday about noon. Flights were all on schedule, his luggage arrived (although damaged), and he is pretty happy to have slept in his own bed last night. He has over 1500 pictures, several short movies, and lots to tell. So I hope you'll have a chance to share some of those things with him.

For now, we're so happy to have him home and hope he adjusts to jet lag soon!

Please keep Lisa, Travis and Aubrey in your prayers. They drive to Rochester today for Lisa's appointments at the Mayo clinic on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Coming Home!

Its early Friday morning here in Watertown, but early afternoon (about 1:30 pm) in Cameroon. As I write this, Wayne is most likely in the air flying in a small plane from Ngaoundere to Yaounde.

At Yaounde the traveling group will gather again at the airport and fly Swiss Air to Zurich-- departing at almost 10:00 pm Cameroon time. The flight is 8 hours to Zurich.

They'll have just a few hours to wait and then will depart at 1:00 pm Saturday Zurich time for the flight to Chicago. They are schedule to arrive at about 4:00 pm Saturday afternoon in Chicago and will spend the night there. Hopefully that will help with the time adjustment!

If all connections go well, on Sunday morning they will arrive in Sioux Falls at about 11:40 am. yeah! I'm headed to Sioux Falls later today (Friday) to make sure I'm at the airport on time! :) And maybe pass some time waiting with Aubrey!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday in Africa

Internet was restored at the missionary compound, so I got a longer message today.

"We do wake up each morning at 4:30AM by the guy calling people to prayer over the loudspeaker at the mosque right outside the wall near the house. Other than supper at Bishop Nyiwe's home I'm not sure much is planned for the day. The train group will leave for the train station around 5PM. I may walk around near the compound and see what I can see. I would like to walk by the hospital to see it in operation on a regular business day. The day we toured was a holiday.

As I toured churches with Bishop Nyiwe and his assistant bishop I could see the pride in their faces for their churches. They were not proud so much for the building as they were for the people and leaders in their churches. We were standing in structures that ranged from mud brick walls with thatch roofs to pretty nice and large modern buildings. They are proud of the catechists, evangelists and pastors who are working hard to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people in the villages. Many of these people are Muslim.

Well, I'm looking forward to traveling back to you. See you soon!"

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday news

I only got a brief message from Wayne today. He is doing well....says he has recovered from the "intestinal difficulties" he had. Bishop Nyiwe took Bishop Zellmer and Wayne on a tour of some churches in the area. They ranged from mud and thatch huts to a very large fairly new church at the university. I'm sure looking forward to seeing all of his pictures!!