Friday, December 4, 2009

Coming Home!

Its early Friday morning here in Watertown, but early afternoon (about 1:30 pm) in Cameroon. As I write this, Wayne is most likely in the air flying in a small plane from Ngaoundere to Yaounde.

At Yaounde the traveling group will gather again at the airport and fly Swiss Air to Zurich-- departing at almost 10:00 pm Cameroon time. The flight is 8 hours to Zurich.

They'll have just a few hours to wait and then will depart at 1:00 pm Saturday Zurich time for the flight to Chicago. They are schedule to arrive at about 4:00 pm Saturday afternoon in Chicago and will spend the night there. Hopefully that will help with the time adjustment!

If all connections go well, on Sunday morning they will arrive in Sioux Falls at about 11:40 am. yeah! I'm headed to Sioux Falls later today (Friday) to make sure I'm at the airport on time! :) And maybe pass some time waiting with Aubrey!

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