Saturday, February 26, 2011

What we missed in Watertown!!

We went up to Watertown for the day on Friday and cleaned and emptied out the house. We're scheduled for closing next Friday, March 4. Before we could even get there, we had to hire someone to come and dig out the driveway. We're so glad we moved south!!

Getting Settled.

I thought I would post a few "after" pictures since we have gotten more settled. Our place is cozy and we are feeling very comfortable here.

Dining area. That window looks out the front of our place.
You can see that we get nice light.

Living room area.

Now you can actually see the counter tops. Our bar stools fit nicely at this breakfast bar. And that's where we eat breakfast, lunch, and supper!

Aubrey "sharing" Grandpa's pickle. He gave it up pretty easily.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

First and Second Day

One of our first visitors... 2 hours after we finished unloading. :)

Helping Grandpa.

Unpacking the toys.

Chaos in the kitchen.

Overflow in the storage unit. It needs a "little" organizing.

We've made some progress since these pictures have been taken. Maybe I'll be able to post more pictures this weekend! We're still figuring out where to put things and searching for things that haven't been unpacked yet!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Moving Day

The crew arrives at 8:30 Friday am.

They've been working hard... now time for a coffee break.

Arriving at the other end. A few new bodies arrive with fresh backs and unloading at both the storage unit and the apartment are done by 5:00 pm.

More later..........

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

White stuff....

From our front window. Hopefully this is the last time he has to blow the snow.

Friday, February 4, 2011

One Week

One week from today we'll be moving to Tea!! It will be a long, busy, hard day but at the end we'll be sleeping at our new place. Things continue to fall into place. In fact...

WE SOLD THE HOUSE!! What a relief. We had a nice offer and a good closing date in early March, so we couldn't ask for much more.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Counting the days.

Getting a little claustrophobic in the lower level!!

Plowing a path to the shed in the backyard.

We've had a couple more showings of the house, but still no offer. Good news, however, is that we have friends who are in transition also, and would like to rent our house for a couple of months. So they will stay here (with very minimal furniture) and will keep the sidewalks and driveway cleared for us. If we get a buyer, they'll make other arrangements.

Keeping the sidewalk and driveway clear have been a challenge for Wayne. He plowed a path to the shed in our backyard last Friday and today it was all filled in again. Thankfully it was still fluffy and he's got it cleared again.

We are getting lots of things sorted, packed, and eliminated! I took a tip from another person who moved recently and got some colored tape. Bright hunter orange tape to mark the boxes that go to storage!

The "good byes" have started and will continue for the next week and a half. The congregation will have a sending blessing for Wayne at each of the 3 services this coming weekend. There will also be a farewell reception after each service. My last day at Hospice will be Feb 9th.