Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Counting the days.

Getting a little claustrophobic in the lower level!!

Plowing a path to the shed in the backyard.

We've had a couple more showings of the house, but still no offer. Good news, however, is that we have friends who are in transition also, and would like to rent our house for a couple of months. So they will stay here (with very minimal furniture) and will keep the sidewalks and driveway cleared for us. If we get a buyer, they'll make other arrangements.

Keeping the sidewalk and driveway clear have been a challenge for Wayne. He plowed a path to the shed in our backyard last Friday and today it was all filled in again. Thankfully it was still fluffy and he's got it cleared again.

We are getting lots of things sorted, packed, and eliminated! I took a tip from another person who moved recently and got some colored tape. Bright hunter orange tape to mark the boxes that go to storage!

The "good byes" have started and will continue for the next week and a half. The congregation will have a sending blessing for Wayne at each of the 3 services this coming weekend. There will also be a farewell reception after each service. My last day at Hospice will be Feb 9th.

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