Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More of the Same.....

Nothing major to report. We have another showing of the house this evening...but so far no offers. We're trying to be patient. I would like our house hunters to see what the yard looks like in the summer- maybe that would help.

We have both been busy with work and making preparations for the move. The good folks down in Tea have a crew of volunteers scheduled to be on the road Friday, February 11 at 5:30 AM!!! They'll be here by mid-morning and will help us load a professional moving truck. The truck will be driven to Tea by the company driver and then the volunteer crew will help us unload down there on Saturday!

Oh yeah, did you hear that the Packers are going to the Super Bowl?


  1. Print a couple nice spring/summer pictures of the house/yard and put them on the island when poeple are looking at the house. The previous owners of our house did that. It was nice to know there was grass below the 2 feet of snow.

  2. Actually, we have done that Travis. Good idea!!
