Friday, January 14, 2011

The Latest

Just a few updates. As you can see, Wayne has received and accepted the official "Letter of Call" from Trinity Lutheran Church in Tea, SD. His last Sunday here at the church in Watertown will be February 6. He'll have a few duties the following week and then will be packing his office.

We'll be packing up our household goods in coming weeks and then on February 11 a crew of volunteers from Tea will arrive to load a moving truck. When the truck arrives in Tea, the crew will be there to unload at both our apartment and the storage unit. We will have a pretty large storage unit for keeping our "excess" stuff and and Wayne thinks it will be a good place to have a work bench and hang out (aka dog house!).

Debbie has accepted the position of receptionist at the Information Desk at Sanford Hospital. Her start date will be Feb. 14 beginning with orientation. This part-time position will be a good start at Sanford and will also allow time for unpacking and being Grandma!

So things are really coming together and these next weeks will go fast. We're still waiting on a buyer for the house and our realtor will be having an open house on Jan. 22. We are hopeful.

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