Saturday, May 5, 2012

Honey, I'm Home!

 Here's the fabulous crew of folks from Trinity who helped us move and clean!!  
We couldn't have done it without them.

 Aubrey is helping unpack toys.  This is her "downstairs" toy box that we'll keep in this family room.  We're still working on arranging this room.

First nap at the new house in a new bed.

 Living Room.

Dining Room.


The play room.... aka Aubrey's room.

Master Bedroom. 

Flower Garden central!

First lawn mowing!


  1. AWESOME!!! your kitchen looks a lot like ours!

  2. Thanks Eric! Yes, our kitchen is very much like yours. No island but you can see the big counter area to the right. Dad is painting the guest room right now. We'll have new carpet installed soon and it'll be ready for visitors!! :) :)
