Monday, July 27, 2009

Super Sunday!

Travis and Lisa were kind enough to let us pop in for a Sunday afternoon visit. Sure was great to see them and Aubrey entertained us with her activities and smile!!

Five Teeth and another on the way!

An avid reader. She just consumes books!!

Snuggle time with Grandpa. (Doesn't last long but it sure is sweet)

Whats Up

It was a fun weekend with great weather. We picked up some yummy stuff at the farmer's market again and Wayne harvested beans and tomatoes from his little farm. In fact Sunday brunch was veggie omelettes topped with chopped roma tomato! mmmmmm. I should have taken a picture!

Wayne has been diagnosed with inflamed tendons in his wrists (working his thumb). So he has to wear a brace for a couple of weeks, take anti inflammatory meds, lay off guitar playing, and move his keyboard to a more ergonomically correct position!! This morning he is headed to Luther Seminary in St Paul for a week of continuing education. I'm sure he'll enjoy being on campus again and hopefully he'll get to see some friends.

On Saturday we were invited to a meal and concert with the Friends of Acoustic and Blues. Delicious meal, great music, and fun friends. The duo Albert and Gage played acoustic folk/county music. We'll purchase a Friends of Acoustic and Blues membership and will get 3 more concerts in the coming months.

My flowers are doing well. No apples on our new apple tree--but the neighbor has one on his. So Wayne bought an apple at the grocery store and is going to tie it to the tree. ha.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dinner and a Movie

We enjoyed a Monday date .... last week was a little too busy for dates or anything. We went to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It was great! Wayne said...."this is how it ends????" So we'll have to wait and see if there is more. What do you think?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Week in Review

It has been a full week for us. We enjoyed a quick trip to Aberdeen on Monday evening to attend the ordination of Sarah Hartung Goldammer at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. It was a beautiful service and such fun to see some special friends at Bethlehem. Then things took a downhill slide as Wayne got an emergency call to tend to a family who lost their baby (stillborn). He spent most of the week ministering to them and had the funeral on Friday. There were several other pastoral issues that he dealt with in the next days also and then had a wedding on Saturday!!

On Friday afternoon Grandma Irene Hale had an angiogram and procedure to clear blockages in her leg. She was at Sanford Hospital in SF overnight so I drove down to see her. Its great news that they were able to get blood flow as she was in danger of losing toes or even her foot. I spent the night with Travis, Lisa and Aubrey and got a few hours of Grandma time with Aubrey before heading back to Watertown. yeah!! Oh my goodness is Aubrey on the move!

Tonight Wayne is enjoying one of his favorite recreational activities... the local car races. Last week he took some photos so I'll post one of an Aberdeen driver. Ken Arment... I think? I'm enjoying a quiet evening of reading and music and will probably head to Dairy Queen soon! Hope you are all well!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Potato Salad...with flair!

Went to a supper with friends and was asked to bring tater salad.

Saturday Fun

Its been a beautiful day in our neighborhood. Hope you've enjoyed the same! This morning after a quick stop at the farmer's market here in Watertown (where I picked up snow peas, cucumbers and kolrabi) we headed to Brookings for their annual Art Festival. The festival is host to some fine artists and great musicians, so it was a super time. We stopped at McCrory Gardens on our way out of town. Its hardly Butchart Gardens, but it is very nice and Wayne enjoyed shooting lots of pictures. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Deck Dining

In the past several days we've had occasional rain storms and other threatening weather. So when we have the chance to sit out on the deck and enjoy something fresh off the grill, we do it! With the deck on the east side of the house, we get nice shade for late afternoon and evening.

The bean garden is going wild. Wayne put up a net for the pole beans to climb.

These are new flowers in my garden this year -- delphinium. I love how tall they are but they needed to have a support stake.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Guess Who Came to Dinner?

We were delighted to have overnight guests on Wednesday! Travis, Lisa and Aubrey stopped by on their way to Aberdeen/Long Lake. We enjoyed pulling out the toy box again and watching Aubrey demonstrate all her new skills: crawling, clapping, waving, standing, and generally being adorable! Grandparenting is so FUN!

PS Travis and Lisa are pretty cool, too!