Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Week in Review

It has been a full week for us. We enjoyed a quick trip to Aberdeen on Monday evening to attend the ordination of Sarah Hartung Goldammer at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. It was a beautiful service and such fun to see some special friends at Bethlehem. Then things took a downhill slide as Wayne got an emergency call to tend to a family who lost their baby (stillborn). He spent most of the week ministering to them and had the funeral on Friday. There were several other pastoral issues that he dealt with in the next days also and then had a wedding on Saturday!!

On Friday afternoon Grandma Irene Hale had an angiogram and procedure to clear blockages in her leg. She was at Sanford Hospital in SF overnight so I drove down to see her. Its great news that they were able to get blood flow as she was in danger of losing toes or even her foot. I spent the night with Travis, Lisa and Aubrey and got a few hours of Grandma time with Aubrey before heading back to Watertown. yeah!! Oh my goodness is Aubrey on the move!

Tonight Wayne is enjoying one of his favorite recreational activities... the local car races. Last week he took some photos so I'll post one of an Aberdeen driver. Ken Arment... I think? I'm enjoying a quiet evening of reading and music and will probably head to Dairy Queen soon! Hope you are all well!

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