Monday, July 27, 2009

Whats Up

It was a fun weekend with great weather. We picked up some yummy stuff at the farmer's market again and Wayne harvested beans and tomatoes from his little farm. In fact Sunday brunch was veggie omelettes topped with chopped roma tomato! mmmmmm. I should have taken a picture!

Wayne has been diagnosed with inflamed tendons in his wrists (working his thumb). So he has to wear a brace for a couple of weeks, take anti inflammatory meds, lay off guitar playing, and move his keyboard to a more ergonomically correct position!! This morning he is headed to Luther Seminary in St Paul for a week of continuing education. I'm sure he'll enjoy being on campus again and hopefully he'll get to see some friends.

On Saturday we were invited to a meal and concert with the Friends of Acoustic and Blues. Delicious meal, great music, and fun friends. The duo Albert and Gage played acoustic folk/county music. We'll purchase a Friends of Acoustic and Blues membership and will get 3 more concerts in the coming months.

My flowers are doing well. No apples on our new apple tree--but the neighbor has one on his. So Wayne bought an apple at the grocery store and is going to tie it to the tree. ha.

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