Saturday, October 10, 2009

Highlight of the week.

It was a busy work week for both of us. Then on Friday Wayne had an all day meeting in Sioux took advantage of the trip and visited the little Gallipo family again! They are so gracious to welcome us to their home and share their daughter!!

Aubrey showed us a couple of new faces and entertained us with her play. We had a girls lunch out - Aubrey, Lisa and me. Mostly we just played. We woke up this morning to a light covering of snow on the ground. brrrrr. Now we're back in Watertown and headed out to a pig roast soon. That's it for now. Hope you are all warm and healthy.

Reading. Yes, she can read upside down.
Playing with her baby. Cute new jammies, huh?
Look out! Here I come!

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