Sunday, October 4, 2009

Its October!!

Well, I guess we have to give in. Fall is here. Temps have dropped and leaves are turning. Oh well, its the season for pumpkin pie!!

Seems like we've been busy, but nothing too fun to post about...with the exception of our latest Aubrey sitting trip to Sioux Falls!! Had a great time with one year old Aubrey who enjoyed showing us lots of new cute expressions and tricks. One of the funniest things is when she gets a power surge shortly before bedtime. She didn't stop moving for 45 minutes and then crashed and fell asleep in 2 minutes!! Unfortunately the camera battery went dead after two pictures.

Last night we enjoyed a concert by Peter Mayer. Folk, acoustic guitar playing, singer songwriter. Good stuff -- amazing guitar playing. He played in a small theater at the convention center and was part of the Friends of Acoustic and Blues series we enjoy here in Watertown.

Today we'll enjoy a quiet Sunday afternoon before starting another busy week.

What are you looking at?
Sitting with Grandpa. Her shirt says "Grandma's Angel"

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