Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Latest

Since I last posted, we made a quick trip to Aberdeen. We managed to see lots of family in a very short time. That was super!! However, it was tough to see how Grandma Irene is failing. And now as I write this she is back in the hospital. My prayer for her is that she have peace and relief from her back pain.

We're especially thankful for the more tolerable weather. Besides a bit of fog we haven't had to deal with travel restrictions lately. Wayne had an all day meeting in Sioux Falls yesterday (Friday). So we drove down Thursday evening and stayed until after lunch today (Saturday). We had great fun playing with Aubrey and babysat for a little while so Travis and Lisa could go out. Today we visited Falls Park and Aubrey was impressed with the rushing water. We're looking forward to more outdoor activities when its just a little bit warmer.

Aubrey did a super job of entertaining us. This photo was first thing in the morning and she's got some wild morning hair! I tried to clip it back with a little bow...ha. Later on she did let me comb it and put in a pony tail. What fun for me!!!

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