Monday, March 22, 2010

Something new.

Hello Spring!! Welcome to South Dakota, we're glad to have you!!

We've been enjoying the warmer temps and some sunshine. To celebrate spring (and that the snow finally all melted off the back deck), Wayne purchased a new gas grill. He's given up on his charcoal-only attitude and now we have had the pleasure of some quick grillin'. I suppose we'll still see plenty of charcoal when he fires up the smoker for some SLOW grillin'.

Work has been keeping both of us busy. I have had the opportunity to walk with some families though some difficult times and am thankful for the opportunity to provide that care. Wayne continues to be such a steady presence in our congregation and community. He's been busy putting together all kinds of ideas for church members to get more involved with each other and the greater community. He's especially excited that the Lenten offering is going for BedNets for families in Africa and the congregation has already given enough for over 700 BedNets.

We're very, very excited to be planning some vacation time in June for Liz's wedding. Looking forward to seeing the family and having our little Gallipo clan together after a long time apart!!

For now.... we'll enjoy spring!

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