Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Easter blessings to all! What a beautiful day. Sunshine and calm.

Of course the week was busy. I took a daytrip to Aberdeen on Wednesday and spent time with family as we saw Grandma Irene admitted to Hospice care. Please pray for her comfort and acceptance. She has been a strong, independent woman for many years. This past year has been very difficult with continuing health issues. Through it all she reminds us that she has maintained over 37 years of sobriety and we know that she encouraged many others along the way.

We had worship services on Thursday and Friday. Wayne preached a marvelous sermon and led a moving tenebrae service on Good Friday. And today there were four packed church services (two were overflowing) with fabulous music from choirs, brass, organ and piano. A fitting celebration of the resurrection of our Lord!

With a little gap in church stuff on Saturday evening, we enjoyed a concert by the Blues Healers here in Watertown. Lead guitarist, Dan Mahar, lived in Aberdeen for a time. It was fun to enjoy some good music and time with friends.

Now its time for a bit of rest and then supper with friends. Hope you all are well.


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