Saturday, April 24, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Yes the tulips are up and blooming. Kind of cool and rainy today so they stayed closed. Looks like all of our perennials are coming up. We're especially pleased about the peonies that Wayne planted last year and the clematis that was pretty wimpy last year. They all look pretty good so far this spring.

We're sticking close to home this weekend. Seems like we've been on the road quite a bit in the past two weeks. This cool and rainy weekend is a good time to vegetate in the house! Wayne is still battling a cold that he's had for two weeks and now I feel like I'm getting it. Darn! I hardly ever get sick!

We did enjoy a concert last night by the SD Symphony Orchestra. "Jeans and Classics." The Orchestra backed a group that sang Billy Joel hits and it was great. We saw the same group last year and they did Beatles hits. Then tonight we will go listen to Billy Dean and Dan Mahar - a little more country/rock.

Wayne is preaching at 5:30 Saturday church. I'm on call at the hospital all weekend... but so far its quiet. Hope you have a good weekend!


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