Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More of the Same.....

Nothing major to report. We have another showing of the house this evening...but so far no offers. We're trying to be patient. I would like our house hunters to see what the yard looks like in the summer- maybe that would help.

We have both been busy with work and making preparations for the move. The good folks down in Tea have a crew of volunteers scheduled to be on the road Friday, February 11 at 5:30 AM!!! They'll be here by mid-morning and will help us load a professional moving truck. The truck will be driven to Tea by the company driver and then the volunteer crew will help us unload down there on Saturday!

Oh yeah, did you hear that the Packers are going to the Super Bowl?

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Latest

Just a few updates. As you can see, Wayne has received and accepted the official "Letter of Call" from Trinity Lutheran Church in Tea, SD. His last Sunday here at the church in Watertown will be February 6. He'll have a few duties the following week and then will be packing his office.

We'll be packing up our household goods in coming weeks and then on February 11 a crew of volunteers from Tea will arrive to load a moving truck. When the truck arrives in Tea, the crew will be there to unload at both our apartment and the storage unit. We will have a pretty large storage unit for keeping our "excess" stuff and and Wayne thinks it will be a good place to have a work bench and hang out (aka dog house!).

Debbie has accepted the position of receptionist at the Information Desk at Sanford Hospital. Her start date will be Feb. 14 beginning with orientation. This part-time position will be a good start at Sanford and will also allow time for unpacking and being Grandma!

So things are really coming together and these next weeks will go fast. We're still waiting on a buyer for the house and our realtor will be having an open house on Jan. 22. We are hopeful.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Trinity Lutheran Church, Tea, SD

Five days into the new year and it already appears that 2011 will be a very special year for us. At the congregational meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 4th, the congregation of Trinity Lutheran Church voted to call Wayne as their associate pastor. He is waiting for the official paperwork, but has told them that he will accept that call. We'll know a starting/moving in the next weeks, but it will most likely be mid-February.

In anticipation of what we hoped would be a positive vote, I made arrangements to see several rental units in Tea early this week and Wayne and I decided on a place today. I also had been submitting job applications and have been called to interview for two positions at Sanford Medical Center. One is at the information/reception desk and one is in admissions. So hopefully one of those will work out. We've had a few showings of our house and are hopeful that we'll get a buyer sometime soon.

Meanwhile, we enjoyed some fun time with the little Gallipo family while we were in Sioux Falls. Aubrey had another gift opening session and loved all her gifts. One was a little doll that sings "I'm a little tea pot" and since Aubrey had been learning that song at daycare, it was a real hit. Here's a little video ... at the end you'll hear her asking to see it. :)