Sunday, November 1, 2009

Flowers, Friends, Fun, Food and FAMILY!

What a fabulous weekend! My surprise birthday weekend has been terrific. We had a nice dinner on Friday evening, good friends here for supper and dominoes. When Lisa, Travis and Aubrey showed up we all had birthday cake and enjoyed visiting. Then Eric called to wish me a happy birthday....he heard through cyberspace that there was a party going on!

Saturday and Sunday we had some good food, played more dominoes (Lisa is the Domino Queen!), played with Aubrey and went to church. Wayne preached a great sermon, reminding us that we are all part of the priesthood of all believers. Thanks be to God for the saints who have gone before us and for the promise of eternal life where we'll be reunited!!

Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes via phone, Facebook, email and of course snail mail. Here's a few pics.

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