Monday, November 30, 2009

Uh oh.... a little set back in Africa

From Wayne:

"Well I have developed intestinal difficulties so I stayed back from the trip today. I was really looking forward to seeing the sights up there but I know I need to take care of myself. I talked to Dr. Brown who lives just two doors down from the house we are staying in and he said I should start taking the Cipril I have right away and that should take care of things. So I'll just take it easy for the next few days and make sure I am ready to travel on Friday.

Today is another beautiful day. The weather here has been just wonderful. It gets into the 80's during the day and cool at night.

I asked people how many folks were in the church yesterday for the celebration and I heard estimates anywhere from 3,500 to 6,000 with an equal number of people outside. It is a huge church and the architecture is marvelous. The roof is low in the middle and rises in an arc on each side of center. The walls are made from individually carved stones representing the individual and unique people of God that make up the church. The pews are arranged in a half circle in front and around the chancel and there is a huge balcony as well. It really is a beautiful church. Of course it is in Cameroon so there is red dust coating everything!

Despite the setback with my stomach I am having a great time. I really wanted to see the school they have for the blind today and see what I could work on as far as assistive technology to help them out. I would like to bring them a laptop computer with JAWS screen reading software on it. Maybe that will be another trip. Well that is it for now. "

From Debbie: I had a follow up email that said the medication was helping and he was resting and reading. Unfortunately this is a common experience for visitors but I'm so sorry he had to get it. I'm not worried...thankful he has a good place to stay and is near the doctor!!

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