Friday, November 13, 2009

Getting ready for Africa!!

This weekend is designated as "getting ready for Africa" weekend! Wayne has been making mental checklists and now we are physically getting things done. He's done a great job getting items donated for the mission sites he'll visit (like lap-top computers for the seminary and medical supplies for the hospital). Of course all of this will need to be packed in his luggage. He started his anti-malaria medicine and of course has had all the required shots.

He'll fly out of Sioux Falls on the 18th at 2:45 pm. with connections in Chicago and then landing in Zurich, Switzerland. They'll stay overnight and fly into Cameroon the next day. While there he will be visiting/teaching at the seminary, visiting a hospital and medical center, a game preserve, attending the installation of the Bishop, and spending time with our church missionaries. He has enough memory for the camera to take almost 3000 photos and a journal to keep track of his days. :)

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