Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday in Africa

Today was the worship and installation of Bishop Nyiwe of Cameroon. Here's what Wayne writes:

"Today was the big installation service. We arrived at the church at around 8:15 and we processed in at around 8:45. The service was 5 hours long but it didn't seem like that long. It was a wonderful experience. I was sitting behind the bishops in the chancel area! Bishop Zellmer was just in front of me and Bishop Nyiwe, the bishop of Nigeria, the bishop of Norway, the president of the Lutheran Bretheren church in Cameroon were sitting in that row as well. Not bad seats! The music was terrific and the worship was absolutely joyful. At Holy Communion Bishop Nyiwe served us the wine. I took a lot of pictures and a few movies so I can't wait to share them with you. Tomorrow morning we are headed to Tchollire Bible School. It is a bit north of here and it is one of the places Ron and Kathy lived. They are excited we are coming and it should be a wonderful experience. I understand we are staying overnight at a game preserve and we should see hippos along the way. The grass is still high so we may not see other wildlife but we could see lions, elephants, giraffes and other animals. We will be back here by suppertime on Tuesday and then most of the group will get on the train to Yaounde on Wednesday. 4 of us, including the bishop and I, will stay here until Friday when we fly to Yaounde and then get on the Swiss Air plane for Zurich Friday night. That's it for now. "

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