Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A longer message from Wayne

"We are now safely in Ngaoundre after a 5 hour extremely rough ride from the seminary. African roads are an experience!! Our trip to Ngaoundre was made better by a stop along the way. Tom* is the pastor for a group of villages and he stopped at one of them so we could meet the people and see how they lived. These are villages of mud and grass huts. He said they were having a prayer meeting and invited us to attend. We did attend and it was lovely. We sat between two grass huts. They had us sit on the only chairs they had and they all sat on mats. The lay leader did a short study on a Proverb about talking nicely about people. He invited us to lead them in prayer and then I was invited to do the benediction. It was an amazing experience. The sun was setting behind us and there was a nice cool breeze blowing. The huts were surrounded by gardens. I saw long rows of sweet potatoes as well as melons and other veggies. Of course mangoes, tangerines and bananas grow all over the place."

* I don't know who Tom is! Maybe the driver?


  1. Ya! This is the best message he's sent so far! Imagine the stories he'll have to tell when he gets home.
