Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wayne and the group have arrived in Ngaoundere which is the home of ELCA missionaries Phil and June Nelson. They will be here for several days with the highlight coming on Sunday when they will attend the installation of their Bishop along with dignitaries from around the world. Here are some of his recent comments. Enjoy! Give thanks!

"I am at Phil and June Nelson's home right now. They have 3 laptop computers and they are all busy right now with all of us catching up with news from home and letting you know that we are OK and having a good trip. Dave and I are sharing a 2 bedroom guesthouse and the ladies are sharing another guest house. We have a living room, kitchen, bathroom and even a washing machine. Tomorrow the woman who Phil and June hire to do housework is going to do our laundry. Today we went to the Cameroon church council meeting and we were introduced to the council. Bishop Dave is still there. We met President Niewie (SP?) who will be installed as bishop Sunday. This afternoon we hope to go into town and see a market and maybe pick up some things. I'm told tomorrow is a big Muslim holiday so nothing will be open. "

And another:
"After I wrote I remembered another awesome experience from yesterday. David is a student at the seminary and he teaches at the primary school. He invited me to come tour the school and meet the children. It was just awesome. The school has children from 1st grade through 6th grade. We began our tour with the 1st graders. He greeted them in English, "Good morning class." and they responded in English, "Good morning sir." He then said, "How are you today?" and they said, "We are doing well, how about you?" He then said, "I am doing well thank-you. Please sit down." And they replied, "We are sitting down." as they sat. It was just wonderful. I have pictures and video to see. The children love to have their picture taken with digital cameras because then they can see themselves. Anybody with a digital camera is a rock star! I had Deb Grismer take a picture with me and the kids so I knelt for the first picture but they crawled all over me and I cannot be seen in that picture so I took another with me standing. It was wonderful. That is it for now. "

And from today:
"We just finished supper at the Nelson's house. We have been well fed since being here. At noon we had grilled beef loin, potatoes and squash. For supper they made beef stew and coos coos. We have had fresh pineapple, mango, banana's and tangerines for desert. This afternoon Phil and June Nelson took us shopping for souvenirs. I think you'll like what I picked out. I also purchased some fabric for you. Tomorrow morning the tailor will be here to have us put on our albs and make adjustments. We will also get our clothes washed tomorrow. Tomorrow evening we will have our big thanksgiving meal."

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