Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday News from Africa

It has been very nice since Wayne has had access to the missionary's computers. I have been getting an email or two each day. He is hoping to have a quiet day to just walk around the compound today. So far they have been very busy with tours etc. I'm sure he could use some time for reflection.

"Weather is wonderful here. I think it has been in the 80's and cool at night! This is the beginning of the dry season here. Out in the countryside they are busy burning the long grasses so there is smoke everywhere. You would not do well here. (He's speaking to me in regard to breathing issues!) It is dusty and smoke is everywhere. Most of the people in town cook over wood fires. Every day life here is hard work. Nothing is taken for granted. The people here scratch and work for things we absolutely take for granted. Each day most people here are working for enough money to purchase enough fire wood and food to live for that day. Tomorrow they just do it all over again. The taxis here in Ngaoundere are almost all small 125cc motorcycles and they carry everything on them. I have seen entire families of 4 along with their stuff and the driver on one small motorcycle. Yesterday we say a man holding a goat on the back of a motorcycle!"

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